Daniela Chirici
Nurse, certified parent counselor, ADHD coach for children, adolescents and adults, mother of two sons, 19 years and 14 years old, one of them (Kilian) ADHD affected.
Tel: +41 (0)79 746 05 38 | Mail: info@beratung-adhs.ch

AD(H)S - Clarifications for children, adolescents and adults
Counseling and coaching for children, adolescents, adults and families in the area of AD(H)S and Asperger syndrome (autism spectrum disorder)
Counseling on other family and school issues
Accompaniment during school and authority interviews
Lectures/education about AD(H)S and Asperger syndrome
Education and training
Nurse at the University Hospital in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
Further training in AD(H)S and Asperger syndrome (2008 - 2013)
Further training as school assistant (2016)
Further training as school dental care instructor (2016)
Course of studies to become a certified parent counselor and ADHS Coach OA (2016 - 2018)
Currently in training as a developmental and learning therapist according to PäPKI (Pedagogical Practice for Child Development), recognized by health insurance companies.
Professional occupation
Nurse at the University Hospital Freiburg im Breisgau, focus on oncology (1997 - 2002)
Family time (2002 - 2014)
School assistant at the elementary school Hausen am Albis (since 2015)
Support for children with behavioral problems/learning difficulties AD(H)S and Aspergers Syndrome -
School dental care assistant in the elementary school Hausen am Albis (since 2016)
Certified parent counselor and ADHD coach for children and adolescents in own practice, Vorstadt in Zug (2018 - 2021)
Working in the Center for Psychology and Behavior Therapy Abegglen, Isler & Partner since April 2021
Engagement in the association Elpos (2008 - 2013)
Vice president of the association Elpos Central Switzerland
Co-leader of the parent discussion group Elpos in Zug
Head of parent discussion group Elpos in Zug
Lecturing activities to date
ETH Zurich: "Encouraging Children. A public interdisciplinary conference on dealing with ADHD".
Teacher Training College in Lucerne and Zurich: "Tips and tricks for dealing with AD(H)S children in everyday school life".
Elementary school in Lucerne and Zug: "Tips and tricks for dealing with AD(H)S children in everyday
everyday school life" -
Swiss Holiday Organization: "What is AD(H)S?"
Media Presence

Spring 2022, Hogrefe Verlag
Outlook: Own book on AD (H) S
Publication of his own book on the subject of "AD (H) D in the family".
June 23, 2021, SRF DOK
It is estimated that around 5 percent of the population suffer from ADHD, also known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Michèle Sauvain followed a boy with ADHD with the camera for over 10 years and traced his eventful development.
June 21, 2021, Fritz and Fränzi
A child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD poses particular challenges for parents. It becomes even more difficult when the mother or father is also affected by ADHD - and that is not so rare.
October 26, 2017, SRF DOK
Kilian, Dominik and Céline suffer from ADHD, the so-called attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome. Six years ago we filmed the three children, who were then nine, twelve and fourteen years old, for the first time. Now they are entering the professional world.
November 10, 2011, SRF DOK
Kilian is 9 years old and always a bit nervous, Celine is 14 years old and has trouble concentrating, Dominik is 12 years old and the classic outsider. The three come from intact Swiss families and have one more thing in common: All three have been diagnosed with ADHD.

2010, Tele 1
Diagnosis of ADHD
Contribution to the topic of ADHD.