What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a scientific domain of Psychotherapy. «Cognitive» means that aside from the visible, external behaviour the invisible «inner» behaviour, i.e. cognitive aspects (thoughts, monologues, attitude, interpretations) as well as feelings are included in therapy and altered where necessary. The learning process has a central significance. Human behaviour, desirable as well as problematic and undesirable, is regarded as learnable and, therefore, as alterable.
Different therapeutic techniques and methods of treatment are used in Behavioural Therapy. Aside from the conversation, relaxation training, model-learning, problem solving training, confrontation with stimuli and principles of positive reinforcement are applied, among others.
Positive feedback
To define the origin of mental problems, findings of all relevant domains are considered. Apart from scientific findings in psychology, those of non-psychological fields as e.g. in medicine, biology and sociology are included as well. The aim of therapy is to support sufferers of mental problems or mental disorders so that they may solve their mental and interpersonal problems independently and manage their every day lives productively (self help).
Behavioural therapy is a method with a sound scientific foundation. Good results are achieved especially for the treatment of anxiety, depression, compulsion, social insecurity and problems with efficiency (e.g. learning or work situation), sexual disturbances, eat- and sleep disorders etc. Behavioural therapy is effective for children, adolescents and adults. Therapy may take place individually, with couples, family or in groups.